How to build a good crypto portfolio
When investing, it is always important to spread your wealth over a range of assets in order to minimise risk.
When one assets experiances an ecenomic loss, another asset will see a financial gain, and so on.
Many different people will tell you their personal favourite diversification stratergies, but my favourite, and the one I feel is most secure,
is the all weather princial by Ray Dalio. Watch the below video for a quick rundown on how the all weather prinicipal works.
We can apply this principal to the crypto currency ecosystem by diversifying accross a range of assets.
Some assets will be investments into realestate (REAL) some assets will work as a hedge fund (ICN) some assets will prove as Penny stocks (ICO’s)
and some assets will have a proven track record and will for this instance act as gold or fuel (ether)
Bitcoin can fit into this portfolio as ether realestate (as it takes up half of the market cap) or Gold (due to its proven value)
Wether you choose to invest in bitcoin is completely up to you, but given the current volitile market, I personaly do not.
There are other investment stratergies you can look into, the google doument I have linked below is a good example of a well balanced pportfolio,
There are usually three classes of portfolio’s:
and conservative
Which attitude you take when constructing your portfolio should be based on your own personal needs. Remember, cryptocurrencies are volatile,
So do your research about which cryptocurrencies you should invest in to minimise risk.
Watch the below video about the history of alweather.
Yours Aye,